Monday, September 26, 2005
first of all, i really love our doctor. i think we lucked into a very good thing. she's so nice and calm and informative. we also had our shortest appointment today! this place is always packed, but we were in by 9:05 and out by 9:30...very nice. gave us time to go get some breakfast after the appointment and everything!
we heard the heartbeat right away with the doppler, so no sono :(, but i was relieved that they picked up the heartbeat so easily. it was 152. if i remember correctly, that's what yours was too, right? who knows if this determines boy or girl (i've heard not), but if it does, i am inclined to think girl. we also declined the quad screen, which the doctor said was a good idea. she said there is such a high rate of false/positive and i was so low risk, that she didn't think it was necessary. she also said that even when she had a child at 37, so i feel good about the decision. no need for any unnecessary worry.
i asked her if there was any way to avoid an episiotomy. she said that it all depended on when you're giving birth and said that contrary to what you might read, there really isn't a way to help it along before hand. what i have read about doing that sound unpleasant and uncomfortable anyway, so i'm kind of glad. she said that she doesn't always need to do them, but if it's necessary, it's better than a really bad tear that can be almost a surgical procedure to fix. i feel a bit more comfortable now about the prospect of having to have one. she was very informative about it to where i didn't feel like we were going to be forced into one, but she was going to do what seemed best at the time. oh, and she said it's not a matter of stretching, but more a matter of the baby's head size and how "elastic" you are at the time! things they don't tell you in books.
we scheduled our sono appointment for the 27th of october, the day after elliott's birthday. what a fun birthday surprise, huh?
she said i should be able to feel the baby in the next few weeks! i'm very excited for that. this seems to be going so fast, i can hardly believe it. we got started ripping down the cloth wallpaper this weekend and found a few things we're going to have to fix before we can paint (a small hole and other nail holes). also, we've got to re-arrange to accommodate what's already in that room. fun!
we heard the heartbeat right away with the doppler, so no sono :(, but i was relieved that they picked up the heartbeat so easily. it was 152. if i remember correctly, that's what yours was too, right? who knows if this determines boy or girl (i've heard not), but if it does, i am inclined to think girl. we also declined the quad screen, which the doctor said was a good idea. she said there is such a high rate of false/positive and i was so low risk, that she didn't think it was necessary. she also said that even when she had a child at 37, so i feel good about the decision. no need for any unnecessary worry.
i asked her if there was any way to avoid an episiotomy. she said that it all depended on when you're giving birth and said that contrary to what you might read, there really isn't a way to help it along before hand. what i have read about doing that sound unpleasant and uncomfortable anyway, so i'm kind of glad. she said that she doesn't always need to do them, but if it's necessary, it's better than a really bad tear that can be almost a surgical procedure to fix. i feel a bit more comfortable now about the prospect of having to have one. she was very informative about it to where i didn't feel like we were going to be forced into one, but she was going to do what seemed best at the time. oh, and she said it's not a matter of stretching, but more a matter of the baby's head size and how "elastic" you are at the time! things they don't tell you in books.
we scheduled our sono appointment for the 27th of october, the day after elliott's birthday. what a fun birthday surprise, huh?
she said i should be able to feel the baby in the next few weeks! i'm very excited for that. this seems to be going so fast, i can hardly believe it. we got started ripping down the cloth wallpaper this weekend and found a few things we're going to have to fix before we can paint (a small hole and other nail holes). also, we've got to re-arrange to accommodate what's already in that room. fun!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
noticeable tummy
this morning a co-worker said to me, "hey, you are pregnant!". so i can only assume that the tummy is starting to look as big as it looks to me. i saw another lady, who i'm not sure if she knows, look at me like, "should i say something?"...i'm guessing she doesn't know and didn't want to be rude.
i haven't felt any movement yet, but i am sure within the next few weeks it'll happen...i'm just not patient. we have the doctor's appointment monday, which i'm very excited about. i hope they decide to go ahead & do the sono & tell us the sex...but i think they'll wait. *sigh* oh well, it's a lesson in patience for me that has probably been a long time coming. i was thinking last night about this because, as a non patient person, pregnancy, even at just 16 weeks, seems like an eternity. probably because it's something you think about almost every second of every day for 40 weeks. that is a lot of seconds!
i'm sleepy today...i'm having the problem again where i wake up to go to the restroom and can't sleep. hopefully it will go away again!
i haven't felt any movement yet, but i am sure within the next few weeks it'll happen...i'm just not patient. we have the doctor's appointment monday, which i'm very excited about. i hope they decide to go ahead & do the sono & tell us the sex...but i think they'll wait. *sigh* oh well, it's a lesson in patience for me that has probably been a long time coming. i was thinking last night about this because, as a non patient person, pregnancy, even at just 16 weeks, seems like an eternity. probably because it's something you think about almost every second of every day for 40 weeks. that is a lot of seconds!
i'm sleepy today...i'm having the problem again where i wake up to go to the restroom and can't sleep. hopefully it will go away again!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
working out
so while we were on vacation i did a lot of walking and realized that i am very out of shape and the added baby weight is not helping. i decided that today i am giving my (sore) leg a rest, but tomorrow i am hopping on the elliptical and i want to try and walk or elliptical 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes. this is not so much to ask. it will be good for us both! when it gets cooler, i want to walk at the park by our house. until then, elliptical, here we come, but only when dad's home to monitor in case of falling. i'm accident prone as it is, and i don't think with the continuing pregnancy that that will get better. i've already started spilling on myself a LOT more...which is saying a lot!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
uh oh

yes, this is me and sandy, my mom and i am now having trouble remember who is who. not only did i find myself in a saturday cleaning frenzy like she does weekly, i was cleaning the same way that she does. i almost broke down when i was shaking the swiffer remnants onto the carpet so i could then sweep them up. sandy does this! noooooo! i thought i swore off being her about 18 years ago as i begrudgingly dusted lamps! what happened?
i am not saying that she is not a great person, because she is, but i am not a clean freak like her. at least, i didn't think i was until today. ya know what though? our bedroom looks like helouise has been over. the living room too. i almost died when i looked under the bed. no wonder i have been waking every morning and god knows what is coming out of my sinus cavaties. it was a disaster under there! i can't believe i am about to admit this...i am actually excited to have monday off to do the same thing to the other living room! i might even move furniture and vaccum under it! oh my god...this is too much.
when i was at the hardware store today, i looked at a few different shades of paints. i found some great colors for the baby room-some nice blues and purples-sex depending (the ONLY room left to work on after this weekend! hell yeah!), and for the bedroom-some grays. i am thinking that the dining room would look good in red. oh man. i guess this is what happens when you become a mother. i mean, i've always wanted my own house to paint and decorate, but this cleaning thing is throwing me for a loop. i am excited for october, when we'll move all the stuff out of the computer room and officially make it into the baby's abode. i'm actually glad we're waiting so we can pick the paint around the time we'll know the sex!