Saturday, September 03, 2005
uh oh

yes, this is me and sandy, my mom and i am now having trouble remember who is who. not only did i find myself in a saturday cleaning frenzy like she does weekly, i was cleaning the same way that she does. i almost broke down when i was shaking the swiffer remnants onto the carpet so i could then sweep them up. sandy does this! noooooo! i thought i swore off being her about 18 years ago as i begrudgingly dusted lamps! what happened?
i am not saying that she is not a great person, because she is, but i am not a clean freak like her. at least, i didn't think i was until today. ya know what though? our bedroom looks like helouise has been over. the living room too. i almost died when i looked under the bed. no wonder i have been waking every morning and god knows what is coming out of my sinus cavaties. it was a disaster under there! i can't believe i am about to admit this...i am actually excited to have monday off to do the same thing to the other living room! i might even move furniture and vaccum under it! oh my god...this is too much.
when i was at the hardware store today, i looked at a few different shades of paints. i found some great colors for the baby room-some nice blues and purples-sex depending (the ONLY room left to work on after this weekend! hell yeah!), and for the bedroom-some grays. i am thinking that the dining room would look good in red. oh man. i guess this is what happens when you become a mother. i mean, i've always wanted my own house to paint and decorate, but this cleaning thing is throwing me for a loop. i am excited for october, when we'll move all the stuff out of the computer room and officially make it into the baby's abode. i'm actually glad we're waiting so we can pick the paint around the time we'll know the sex!