Wednesday, August 31, 2005
olivia is weird
if you read her comment on "grainy baby", she is planning to have her baby on feb. 18. as long as i have known this girl, she has been a planner, but i didn't think it would be down to baby's DUE DATE! a few months ago, when we were hoping to be (o)/thinking we were (me) pregnant, she kept saying, "if i didn't get pregnant this month, i'm gonna be so mad! i won't get my full 6 weeks from school!" HA! luckily for her, 2 negative pregnancy tests later, this fertility machine IS indeed pregnant when she wanted to be. i am amazed at her tenacity to get things done at the precise time that she wants them done. what can i say though about the girl that had her colleges narrowed down our sophomore year in high school? she knows what she wants. i bet you anything she'll have that baby on 2/18/06 too! when olivia decides something is going to happen, you can bet the house that it will. :)
i'll TRY and have the seymour baby the same day, but you know ME...pretty laissez faire. my due date is now 3/3, but i have a feeling this baby will come when it wants, and that will probably be late, like mother like child.
i'll TRY and have the seymour baby the same day, but you know ME...pretty laissez faire. my due date is now 3/3, but i have a feeling this baby will come when it wants, and that will probably be late, like mother like child.
Monday, August 29, 2005
grainy baby

here's the newest sono pic. we actually were NOT supposed to get one today (i was wrong!), but they couldn't hear the heartbeat with the doppler (panic-stricken mom), so we got to have one & hear the heartbeat loud and clear! it was awesome. anyhow, here ya go...
the top pic is a little easier to see...the other one shows the beating heart. on the top, the left round thing is the head, and the right roundish thing is it's little tummy. we could also see fingers and such while she was doing it. it was so cool! my doc was out of the office today, so we had the p.a. and one of the other docs did the sono. we are so pleased with our choice in clinics. everyone is so nice and personable. she said the baby is very active. we saw it moving around, especially when she kept poking it! i guess we will find out the sex in october. that seems like a long time, but it will be here soon enough!
Friday, August 26, 2005
i posted this great post, only to have the internet go down at work when i hit "publish".
here's the gist since i am tired now. i have always detested getting up in the night to go to the restroom. i will also wake up a bit and think to myself, "can i hold it until morning?" usually the answer is yes. lately, the answer is always NO. this irritates me a lot, but luckily, i can get back to sleep, so i'd better just get used to it. usually, if i have to, it will somehow incorporate into my dreams. i remember once when i was really young, i dreamt that i was in the bathroom, hence, i wet the bed. i woke up thinking, "but i was IN the bathroom, i just know it!" last night, i dreamt that i was given a bedpan for these occasions when i needed to go in the night! thankfully, i sort of woke up as i was "dream-putting" the "bedpan" under myself, while thinking to myself, "this is hard! i wonder how old people do this?" i hastily got up and went across the 5' hall to the bathroom. let's pray that i keep waking up in these dreams! hahahaha!
here's the gist since i am tired now. i have always detested getting up in the night to go to the restroom. i will also wake up a bit and think to myself, "can i hold it until morning?" usually the answer is yes. lately, the answer is always NO. this irritates me a lot, but luckily, i can get back to sleep, so i'd better just get used to it. usually, if i have to, it will somehow incorporate into my dreams. i remember once when i was really young, i dreamt that i was in the bathroom, hence, i wet the bed. i woke up thinking, "but i was IN the bathroom, i just know it!" last night, i dreamt that i was given a bedpan for these occasions when i needed to go in the night! thankfully, i sort of woke up as i was "dream-putting" the "bedpan" under myself, while thinking to myself, "this is hard! i wonder how old people do this?" i hastily got up and went across the 5' hall to the bathroom. let's pray that i keep waking up in these dreams! hahahaha!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
pregnancy lull
i sort of feel like i am in a pregnancy lull...does that make sense? today i guess is officially the end of the first trimester! right? that is cool. i am feeling pregnant as far as a bulging tummy, but that is about it. my doctor's appointment is on monday, so i am feeling good about that and we're really excited to hear the heartbeat. i don't like the 1 month between appointments! isn't that silly? i want to know what is going on every week or at least every other week. i know within this next month i will start to show more and be forced to wear elastic waistband everything. i am coming out of the tiredness, but still going to bed pretty early. i don't feel like i am going to keel over during the day though. i am so glad that passed. that was not fun...but it didn't last long for me, for which i am glad. maybe now i will have 4 months of feeling good before the tiredness hits again. i decided that i want to work on the room...or at least get stuff moved around to be able to work on the room over labor day weekend! exciting!!!
it just seems like there is an enormous gap between the time you tell people you're pregnant and until you start preparing, buying stuff etc...i'm in the pregnancy lull!
a lady that i work with found out that she was having a girl at 3 1/2 months, so MAYBE they will be able to tell sooner than we expected! that would be the bomb!
it just seems like there is an enormous gap between the time you tell people you're pregnant and until you start preparing, buying stuff etc...i'm in the pregnancy lull!
a lady that i work with found out that she was having a girl at 3 1/2 months, so MAYBE they will be able to tell sooner than we expected! that would be the bomb!
Monday, August 15, 2005
wow...i'm tired
i never knew what it was to be tired. staying up all night at a slumber party has NOTHING on being pregnant! at least then, you could take a nap, feel somewhat rested, sleep that evening, and wake up good as new. being pregnant is a whole different ball game. now, i fall asleep after about 1 tv show in the evenings (about 6:30), sleep on the couch for an hour or so, wake up still tired, eat a little dinner, try to watch another show, but wind up falling asleep again by 9:30 or 10. this past weekend was a prime example. i got home from work on friday, so happy that it was the weekend. i perch myself in my usual spot to invest in a night of tv watching with elliott. at 7:30 pm, i was asleep. i woke up at 10. i stayed awake in a foggy haze for about 1 1/2 hours, and was in bed by about 11:30, and woke up at 8 AM. that afternoon, we took a nap for 2 hrs. i was back in bed that night by about 10:30. i spend my waking hours at work. this is getting me down a little because i want to be awake to spend time with people that i actually want to be around, like my husband...alas, i am required to stay awake at work, and therefore am asleep after only a couple of hours of being home. i hope you people who told me this would pass by about week 14 weren't lying, or i may have to come and hunt you down!
on a lighter note, i reluctantly tried on some of my pre-pregnancy jeans and although they used to be loose, they still FIT! i don't mean "fit" like they are tight, but i will squeeze...i mean they are actually still comfortable to wear. YAY!!!
on a lighter note, i reluctantly tried on some of my pre-pregnancy jeans and although they used to be loose, they still FIT! i don't mean "fit" like they are tight, but i will squeeze...i mean they are actually still comfortable to wear. YAY!!!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
vivid dreams
i haven't had any of the "scary" dreams that i have heard people talk about when pregnant, but i have had very vivid and emotional dreams. last night i dreamt that i had to take the SAT again, and it was so difficult. i remember not knowing one answer! i also had to go get a bunch of school supplies and i was in a 5 mile long line (literally that's what it was in the dream) to buy stuff. i just felt this strange pressure of having to go back to school, and it wasn't like it was college or grad school, it was high school!
i had a dream the night before last that our friend's car was going to explode, so we put a brick on the gas pedal and shot the car through the front window of a house, and it went out the back window and landed in a pool, thus saving the car from exploding. another part of this dream involved us being in the same house and a girl i used to carpool with was there and on drugs and ashlee simpson and a friend came in with beer and i was worried that the people that lived there were going to be really mad at me for letting these drug-users/drunk people in the house (ashlee simpson?!?).
these aren't bad dreams, just high in stress. i wonder why it is that pregnant people have such vivid/emotional/bad dreams? does anyone know?
p.s. maternity clothes rule. comfortable, yet stylish now a days! :)
i had a dream the night before last that our friend's car was going to explode, so we put a brick on the gas pedal and shot the car through the front window of a house, and it went out the back window and landed in a pool, thus saving the car from exploding. another part of this dream involved us being in the same house and a girl i used to carpool with was there and on drugs and ashlee simpson and a friend came in with beer and i was worried that the people that lived there were going to be really mad at me for letting these drug-users/drunk people in the house (ashlee simpson?!?).
these aren't bad dreams, just high in stress. i wonder why it is that pregnant people have such vivid/emotional/bad dreams? does anyone know?
p.s. maternity clothes rule. comfortable, yet stylish now a days! :)
Thursday, August 04, 2005
yesterday, elliott and i celebrated our 1 year anniversary! we've been together for a total of about 5 1/2 years, but this past year has brought many changes...all good! we got married in hawaii where we were treated to the presidential suite, compliments of the kauai marriott, bought a house in march, and are now expecting a baby! wow! it's amazing how great things can be after what feels like many years together. i never anticipated that it would get better, and better, and better! i am now a firm believer in the timing of things. we waited 4 years before we got married, which seemed like an eternity to me, but it worked out perfectly. we were able to buy a house at just the right time. we've been playing around with the idea of having a baby since we got married, but it happened just a few months after the home purchase! now we don't have to worry about renting or moving with a baby. our marriage and our relationship is so happy and fulfilling. there is nothing better than being married to your best friend! we have a great dog that we adore, a loving extended family, and a great group of friends, both in and out of town. now we're adding one more to the mix! it's so exciting. i can't wait to meet our baby and add him or her in to our life. it's gonna be great! here's to many more happy anniversaries! :)
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
pants that fit!
i have accepted the fact that i need maternity clothes. yesterday i wore the biggest pants that i own and they were very uncomfortable by the end of the day. thanks to a lady that i work with, i have 2 pair of jean capris to wear now. i have one on today, and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! i'm comfortable. i too have been experiencing the "am i hungry?" problem too. this morning i felt sick, but i guessed that it was probably because i needed something in my stomach. i got some cinammon rasin toast and some juice and i feel a lot better. last night i ate a normal sized dinner of chicken w/ stuffing and some corn & broccoli and felt horribly full afterward. i am also trying to have fruits and veggies, at least a couple of either every day, plus OJ & a V8, but i really want bread, bread, and more bread...or my new found love, baked cheetos. i am bad too!