Monday, August 29, 2005
grainy baby

here's the newest sono pic. we actually were NOT supposed to get one today (i was wrong!), but they couldn't hear the heartbeat with the doppler (panic-stricken mom), so we got to have one & hear the heartbeat loud and clear! it was awesome. anyhow, here ya go...
the top pic is a little easier to see...the other one shows the beating heart. on the top, the left round thing is the head, and the right roundish thing is it's little tummy. we could also see fingers and such while she was doing it. it was so cool! my doc was out of the office today, so we had the p.a. and one of the other docs did the sono. we are so pleased with our choice in clinics. everyone is so nice and personable. she said the baby is very active. we saw it moving around, especially when she kept poking it! i guess we will find out the sex in october. that seems like a long time, but it will be here soon enough!
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it says 3/3/05, based on the size, which was 7.28 cm! it's big!!! they moved it up 5 days.
and i gained 5 lbs...9 all together. yikes!
and i gained 5 lbs...9 all together. yikes!
oh, my doctor supports natural birth or drugs, your choice, and they recommend the bradley method! :) i'm going to look into a bradley class...i have heard they're great!
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