
Friday, December 30, 2005


better appointment, but not perfect

o-i'm sorry to hear about your day. however, i am SURE that everything is going to be fine. small but long as she's healthy, that's all you can ask for. just stay positive and know that we're thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!!!

my appointment wasn't too bad. we did have to wait for the doctor for 1 hr. 20 minutes. by the time we actually saw her and got out of there it was 11 AM. we arrived at 9 AM. that was frustrating.

she said my placenta 'feels' just the right size and is about as big as it will get length wise and now i will start growing in width. great...cuz i don't feel enormous enough already! haha. my blood pressure, however, was 126/90. she didn't like the 90 number, so i have to go back next monday, as she didn't want to wait 2 weeks to see me again. she said cut down on salty stuff. i wonder how that will work, since i rarely salt ANYTHING! i can feel that i'm retaining water though, so i'm going to read up on that today and see what i can do to help alleviate this and not have to go back weekly, or go on bedrest. oh, i only gained 4 lbs. YES! i about dropped dead, because i ate so much freaking junk this month!

we scheduled & paid for our birthing, breastfeeding, and parenting classes today. the woman on the phone asked my doc's name and when i told her, she said, "in my opinion, she's the best doctor in the state!". that's comforting. i have felt really good about her from the beginning, as has elliott, but to hear this from a 3rd party was nice!

anyway, again, i hope that everything goes well. if you need to talk, you know i'm just a phone call away! :)

mine's on the 9th so they can check my BP.
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