
Wednesday, November 02, 2005


in love

since we found out the sex of the baby and saw it bopping around in my womb, we've completely fallen head over heels in love with him. it's a feeling different from being in love with your spouse. i can't really liken it to loving a pet either. these things, from day one can be independent of you to a certain extent. the baby is a part of you for almost a year...and then completely dependent on you for quite a long time. i've also been feeling him moving so much. i love it! actually, him doing it just now prompted me to write this. it's been consistent and pretty constant for the past few days. there is life inside of me, that we have created. it's something i can't even put into words. i wish that i could share this with elliott. i look forward to him being able to feel it in a few weeks.
elliott got a little blue terrycloth footie pajama thing yesterday at costco for ____. it's so cool to see him so excited about having a child. march can not get here quickly enough! :)

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