
Thursday, September 22, 2005


noticeable tummy

this morning a co-worker said to me, "hey, you are pregnant!". so i can only assume that the tummy is starting to look as big as it looks to me. i saw another lady, who i'm not sure if she knows, look at me like, "should i say something?"...i'm guessing she doesn't know and didn't want to be rude.
i haven't felt any movement yet, but i am sure within the next few weeks it'll happen...i'm just not patient. we have the doctor's appointment monday, which i'm very excited about. i hope they decide to go ahead & do the sono & tell us the sex...but i think they'll wait. *sigh* oh well, it's a lesson in patience for me that has probably been a long time coming. i was thinking last night about this because, as a non patient person, pregnancy, even at just 16 weeks, seems like an eternity. probably because it's something you think about almost every second of every day for 40 weeks. that is a lot of seconds!
i'm sleepy today...i'm having the problem again where i wake up to go to the restroom and can't sleep. hopefully it will go away again!

i can't believe you can still wear regular clothes. i thought about wearing a pair of regular jeans the other day and could barely get them buttoned. i was not going to spend the day that uncomfortable.
whatever's comfortable...if you have a jeans day, wear the maternity jeans!
being tired all the time finally passed for me, i hope the same happens for you!
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