
Friday, July 01, 2005


just feeling fat & tired so far

everyone keeps asking me how i feel, and i have to tell them "fine". i am not sick at far. i am glad for this, but i wish people would quit making me feel like i should be throwing up daily. oddly enough, i am normally the first person to get nauseated (ok, so that was when i had gallstones), dry heave at something disgusting, or actually throw up (usually because of a migraine)...but since i have been pregnant i have had one massive headache that didn't make me throw up and was cured with a snuffer's burger. go figure.
olivia posted a comment about seeing how many pickles we eat...last night i had 4. now, i like pickles normally, but they did taste better than's probably a mental thing. the one thing i have noticed that is odd is that i wake up every morning starving for a chicken sandwich or tacos...not cereal & toast...FOOD! i refrain from actually buying tacos at 7:00 AM, but i am not sure how much longer i can hold out.
i read yesterday that the baby is the size of a sesame seed & now has a little, bitty heart! aw!

Jack's tacos are damn good at 7 in the morning..........

I have never been a fan of Jack's breakfast menu, but I do love those tacos with american cheese............*lol*
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