
Thursday, June 30, 2005


curious about the web address?

in case anyone is interested, i thought an explanation of the address was necessary...
when olivia got married, her & her husband combined their last names. i thought it would be clever if, to share this blog, we combined both of our last names...sometimes my wit astounds me.
we also decided at some point that we would try to "fool" everyone into believing we were twins. this was quite the task, considering olivia: dark, curly hair, freckles, brownish/green eyes; and me: blonde, straight as a board hair, no freckles, blue/green eyes. hey, we were the same height! we had the same crappy perm when we were 10! it's so logical that people might actually believe us! once when we were dressed exactly alike (a common occurrence) someone actually asked, "twins?". we answered, "yes!" and walked down the street laughing about how we'd really pulled the wool over that guy's eyes! he was the only one that ever asked, or suspected. LOL.

p.s. together we're heavy is the title of a polyphonic spree album, and appropriate!

It really is awesome that you guys are going to share this together....

I would like to say Hello to Olivia and nice to "meet" you. If you a a friend of Laura's you must be a cool person! Congrats to you both.....
I am glad you both are feeling well and have happy attitudes about a new baby.

Laura, you are sure to have a boy because that is what everyone else did. (Marsha and Melissa being the exceptions.)

That takes care of the name problem. Olivia, you will have a girl.

I have no batting average in guessing babies, so this is based on absolutely nothing.

I do have a vested interest in the outcome, as I am going to be Young Neena.

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